In a surprising turn of events, Engineer Sheikh Abdul Rashid, also known as Engineer Rashid, has emerged victorious in the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat in the 2024 elections, defeating prominent politicians like Omar Abdullah. Rashid, a firebrand former MLA from the Kashmir Valley, is currently incarcerated in Delhi’s Tihar Jail under the UAPA act. Despite his imprisonment, Rashid’s influence and support among the people of Baramulla have remained strong, leading to a historic win in the elections.
Engineer Rashid’s victory comes as a shock to many, with the National Conference vice president Abdullah trailing by a significant margin. The separatist-turned-mainstream politician Sajad Ghani Lone also stands behind Rashid in the race for the Baramulla seat. Rashid’s popularity and controversial stance on various issues have resonated with his supporters, making him a formidable candidate in the elections.
Sheikh Abdul Rashid’s political journey began when he quit his job as a construction engineer in 2008 to pursue a career in politics. He quickly rose to prominence, winning the Langate Assembly constituency in the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections. Known for his confrontational approach and vocal support for the separatist movement in Kashmir, Rashid has faced numerous challenges and setbacks throughout his political career.
Despite being arrested multiple times and facing accusations of supporting militants, Engineer Rashid has continued to garner support from the people of Kashmir, especially the youth. His two sons, Abrar Rashid and Asrar Rashid, led his election campaign in his absence, drawing massive crowds and energizing his supporters across the valley.
Engineer Rashid’s victory in the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat symbolizes a significant shift in the political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir. His win has not only defied the odds but also highlighted the changing dynamics and preferences of voters in the region. As Rashid celebrates his triumph, political analysts are closely watching the implications of his victory on the future of Kashmir’s political landscape.