India Maintains Neutral Stance in Peace Summit on Ukraine

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In a recent summit hosted by Switzerland aimed at discussing peace in Ukraine, India chose to abstain from signing the joint communique along with several other countries. Russia’s absence from the summit was notable, with the country dismissing the event as a ‘waste of time.’ Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs, Pavan Kapoor, represented India at the talks which concluded on Sunday. Kapoor reiterated India’s commitment to exploring pathways towards a negotiated settlement for the conflict in Ukraine.

India made it clear that it did not associate itself with any communique or document arising from the summit. The country stressed the importance of sincere and practical engagement between Moscow and Kyiv to achieve a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. Kapoor emphasized that enduring peace can only be achieved through dialogue and diplomacy.

The summit saw participation from over 100 countries and organizations, but Russia and China notably chose not to attend. The joint communique issued at the conclusion of the summit was signed by 83 states and organizations. However, India, along with Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa, refrained from signing the peace document.

The communique reaffirmed the signatories’ commitment to refraining from the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. It emphasized the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity for all states, including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders. The document called for sincere and practical engagement between the conflicting parties for a peaceful resolution.

India’s stance at the summit comes in the context of maintaining a strategic balance in its ties with both Russia and Western nations. The country has been cautious in its approach towards the conflict, advocating for dialogue and diplomacy to pave the way for a lasting resolution. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent bilateral meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy further underscored India’s commitment to supporting a peaceful solution to the conflict. The nuanced diplomatic position taken by India reflects its efforts to navigate the complexities of the Russia-Ukraine conflict while ensuring strategic interests and international partnerships are safeguarded.