In a significant turn of events, David DePape, the man who bludgeoned former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, with a hammer and was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison, has now been convicted of aggravated kidnapping by a state court. This new conviction mandates life behind bars without the possibility of parole. The San Francisco jury also found DePape guilty of first-degree burglary, false imprisonment of an elder, threatening a family member of a public official, and dissuading a witness. These convictions in the state trial come shortly after the federal sentencing of DePape, who has been facing a long legal battle following the 2022 attack against Paul Pelosi.
Speaker Pelosi’s office expressed their admiration for Pelosi’s bravery during the trial, highlighting his courage and fortitude throughout his recovery process. DePape’s public defender, Adam Lipson, expressed disappointment with the verdict and plans to appeal it, calling the prosecutors’ decision to file a kidnapping charge as ‘vindictive.’ San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins defended the charges against DePape, stating that they were based on substantial evidence.
While some arguments were made regarding double jeopardy following the federal conviction, the state trial proceeded, resulting in the additional conviction on kidnapping charges. This recent development implies that after serving 30 years in federal prison, DePape will be transferred to a California prison for the remainder of his life. The case shed light on DePape’s intentions and his past associations, including his exposure to extreme beliefs by his former partner.
The attack on Paul Pelosi in 2022 was a shocking incident captured on police body camera video, sending ripples through the political world. DePape’s testimony during the federal trial revealed his plans to hold Nancy Pelosi hostage and extract confessions from her, indicating a premeditated act. As the legal proceedings unfold, DePape’s story continues to unravel, shedding light on the complexities behind the attack on the Pelosi family.